
Communities for


Communities for Education

The non-profit Community Organizing marketing arm of Leaders made up of, Organizers, Influencers, Ambassadors, Boots on the Ground Warriors and Volunteers for Social Good Promoting the Child Pro Mobile App (CPa) and all businesses within the NGD Consortium.CFE Launches into a Community as part of the NGD Consortium's highly profitable “Tied Industries” all utilizing a mobile first approach.

How the Rubber Meets the Road

  • Step 1

    Community Team Leader

    Begins by identifying regional and local influencers within a community. We then find or create a Community Team Leader (a paid position). From here, we start the process of collecting and Identifying the local landfill and all the local, state and federal participants involved in and around the community's local

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  • Step 2

    Community Launch Plan

    The New NGD Team Leader completes a Landfill Diagnostic Checklist for the community. The checklist helps CFEdu to evaluate how best to move forward with an ideally executable Community Launch Plan. This Plan will also provide CFEdu with all the demographic data of the community, and an in-depth outline of the strengths and weaknesses within the community, as well as all political and nonpolitical areas of opportunity. (Actionable planning & leadership are key)

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  • Step 3

    NGD Environmental

    A chosen company such as NGD Environmental Corporation completes the Landfill Diagnostic Checklist Evaluation. There are 1600+ Operating Landfills in the USA, and 50k Closed Landfills (“brownfields”) in America alone.

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  • Step 4

    Aerobic Landfill Bioreactor System
    Once we have diagnosed and evaluated and qualified the community’slandfill, we use the data collected from the Landfill Evaluation to produce preliminary documents to enhance our approach and begin to build a consensus around the modernization of the local landfill with an Aerobic Landfill Bioreactor System (ALBS) clearly identifying and understanding any problems that may arise, we convene stakeholders, government, industry, and other voices needed to identify.
    • a) What success looks like
    • b) What the timelines are going to be
    • c) Who’s affected
    • d) The direction a company such as NGD Environmental Corporation which is needed to consummate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement, a legal and binding document needed to implement and launch a new modernization ALBS project.
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  • Step 5

    Memorandum of Understanding

    Once a qualifying Landfill has a letter of intent and a completed Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) agreement is in place, a company such as New Green Deal Corporation will Tokenize the project and fund the ground game for the Team Lead / Ambassador of

    Additional top community influencers are brought onboard (our A- Team of Boots on the Ground Warriors), and we surround them with volunteers in order to voice ourselves socially and politically.

    On average, once we settle on a targeted ALBS project and have the MOU in place we initially raise approximately $25 million dollars of which approximately $5 million dollars would be provided to to promote the project and raise community awareness the approximately $20 million dollars remaining is utilized to fund the modernization of the local community landfill.

    Companies such as New Green Deal Corporation, and NGD Environmental Corporation, NGD FinancialCorporation and various entities that are awarded the contracts for the services they eachprovide provide roughly 10% of future revenues as a marketing expense to support the boots-on-the-ground warriors and the projects they utilize to fund and empower the community.

    Larger projects agree to variouslong-termagreements in exchange for being awarded the contracts via the efforts of the efforts.

    On Average each Tokenized Landfill Project will allocate the first $5 million raised to modernize the local landfill is provided to the New Green Deal Corporation.

    This Funding is utilized to cover the airwaves, implement the ground game marketing, and secure long-term community success for the ALBS project.

    $5 million is considered to be enough to launch/fund a new within a community and to be the spark needed to continually expand the horde of team leadership it takes to begin lowering the carbon footprint of the planet and to begin the path to providingall children in all communities with fully funded high educations.

    Behind The loss of our planets ecosystemsHuman waste is the 2nd most toxic of all things to mother earth “OUR TRASH” andALBS projects implemented incommunities just like yours all across the worldis the “MAGIC KEY” to providing theexpansion into all communities.

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  • Step 6

    Child Pro Mobile app

    We laser-focus on getting the entire community to download the Child Pro Mobile app (CPa) and begin to empower and change the lives of the entire community. CFE ultimately alongside the partners within the NGD Consortium supply a community with endless normal daily activities supporting fully

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